
 A i s l i n g   S h e ò r a i s   M h i c D h ò m h n a i l l:

G E O R G E   M A C D O N A L D ' S   D R E A M

 "I do not recall the exact time of my death, but I remember that winter well"

 Creative_Scotland_bw  alchemy  rsa logo  smo


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   Aisling Sheòrais MhicDhòmhnaill: George MacDonald's Dream is a Gaelic short film directed and scored by MacGillivray and shot on the Isle of Skye, 2014. MacDonald is widely considered to be the world's first fantasy writer and his novels 'Phantastes' and 'Lilith' had a profound influence on important British literary figures including C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Of Highland stock, MacDonald's grandfather was a piper for Bonnie Prince Charlie at Culloden, was shot in the eye and escaped the field with his son to return to hide out in a cave near their farm in Huntly which was subsequently confiscated. MacDonald's writing is full of Scottish Gaelic imagery with its alphabet of trees, liminal natural spaces, the sibh - or fairy culture linked to second sight and an obsession with the saturation of twilight. All these are familiar to us now but MacDonald's imprint is one of Gaelic consciousness which has filtered through into British culture at large as one of the last poetic tribal imprints from that ancient society, transposed into English literature. The film was shot on Skye - the ancient MacDonald seat, in Bonnie Prince Charlie's Cave at Elgol which is hard to access with a young piper brought down for the first time perhaps since Charles Edward Stuart spent the night there. The film is a phantasmagoric, surrealistic dreamscape full of imagery from Skye and from MacDonald's writings. In opposition to the album Radiophonic Subluna, it is a film to be screened with a live vocal performance. The cinematography was by Anonymous Bosch who worked on 'Swandown' and 'By Our Selves'. Aisling Sheòrais MhicDhòmhnaill: George MacDonald's Dream premiered at The Alchemy Film Festival, Scotland in 2015.









marble quarry

 stag kirsten

clearance village
